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medical waste disposal

Medical waste refers to products from healthcare facilities such as needles and syringes, human blood, human pathology wastes, laboratory stock cultures, and wastes from people with highly communicable diseases.

These wastes can be highly infective and require special treatment, handling and medical waste disposal to kill pathogens and disease-causing organisms and stop the risk of disease transmission. Methods of treating waste include incineration, sterilization, chemical disinfection, and microwave heat.

Once medical waste has been properly treated and made noninfectious, waste is ground into small, unrecognizable pieces and can be safely disposed of in landfills or other waste sites.

MedAssure uses cutting-edge microwave technology to effectively treat medical waste. Its system ensures thorough disinfection and destruction and gives the operator complete protection from exposure to any risk. The microwave technology treats the waste at relatively low temperatures and provides a consistent application of disinfecting heat.

MedAssure’s medical waste removal system is environmentally friendly, reliable, and easy and safe to operate. Regarded by experts as far superior to all previous systems, the MedAssure system does not create noise, odors or emissions, and minimizes any exposure to the neighbors.


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